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; commasm.a
; Tom Poindexter, March 1984
; assembler routines for commsupp.c
; int_c_handlr - handle interrupts for IRQ4 - com1:
; int_b_handlr - handle interrupts for IRQ3 - com2:
; sysint - call a system interrupt
; inb - input a byte from a hardware port
; inw - input a word from a hardware port
; outb - output a byte to a hardware port
; outw - output a word to a hardware port
; cli - clear interrupts (cli)
; sti - set interrupts (sti)
; ***************************************************************************
; int_c_handlr/int_b_handlr - get character from comm port and stuff into
; buffer; check if XOFF should be sent if
; buffer is more than 3/4 when enabled.
; notes:
; determination of port to send XOFF and values of end-of-interrupt is from
; the offset of the comm parms saved in BX at the start of the interrupt handlr
; hence, the code only supports 2 (and only 2) comm ports as written
; the C data segment is inserted into the code segment by init_com
; so that the interrupt handler will have access to the _com_parms
; control block
C8259_1 equ 20h
EOI_IRQ4 equ 64h
EOI_IRQ3 equ 63h
XON equ 11h
XOFF equ 13h
TRUE equ 1
FALSE equ 0
; offsets for _com_parms structure elements
PORT equ 0
B_ADDR equ 2
B_LEN equ 4
B_HEAD equ 6
B_TAIL equ 8
B_CNT equ 10
X_STATE equ 12
X_RECD equ 14
X_SENT equ 16
ORG_OFF equ 18
ORG_SEG equ 20
ON_COM equ 22
; _com_parms structure length (sizeof(_com_parms))
public _com_parms_:word
; _com_parms[2] declared in commsupp.c
public int_c_handlr_
public int_b_handlr_
public outp_char_ ;C routine to send a char
public sysint_
public inb_
public inw_
public outb_
public outw_
public cli_
public sti_
; ****************************************************************************
; prologue for IRQ4 - com1 interrupt
jmp start_c ;jump around storage for C data seg
c_ds: dw 0 ;this is filled in by init_com, loction known in
;init_com is "(unsigned) &int_c_handlr + 2"
com1on db 0 ;flag to see if on_com routine in progress-com1
com2on db 0 ;flag to see if on_com routine in progress-com2
push ax ;save regs
push bx
push cx
push dx
push si
push di
push ds
push es
push bp
mov ax,cs:c_ds ;get the C data segment..
mov ds,ax ;..and establish addressability
mov es,ax ;...
mov bx,offset _com_parms_ ;_com_parms offset for com1:
mov ah,EOI_IRQ4 ;EOI value when exiting this routine
jmp get_char
; prologue for IRQ3 - com2 interrupt
push ax ;save regs
push bx
push cx
push dx
push si
push di
push ds
push es
push bp
mov ax,cs:c_ds ;get the C data segment
mov ds,ax ;and establish addressability
mov es,ax ;...
mov bx,offset _com_parms_ ;_com_parms offset for com1:
add bx,STRUCT_LEN ; and adjust for com2:
mov ah,EOI_IRQ3 ;EOI value when exiting this routing
; get the char held in the receive register
mov dx,[bx+PORT] ;get port address
in al,dx ;get the byte from the serial card
; check to see if XON/XOFF protocol enabled;
; if enabled and buffer 3/4, send XOFF
cmp word [bx+X_STATE],FALSE ;are we interested in XON/XOFF?
je store ;no, bypass XOFF and buffer full check
cmp al,XOFF ;did we receive XOFF
jne no_xoff ;no, go on to check our buffer
mov word [bx+X_RECD],TRUE ;yes, set XOFF received flag
jmp leave ;and leave this place
mov dx,[bx+B_LEN] ;see if our buffer is 3/4 full
shr dx,1 ;divide by 2 so that we have 1/2 of buffer len
shr dx,1 ;divide by 2 again for 1/4 of buffer len
neg dx ;set negative so that we can add it
add dx,[bx+B_LEN] ;now we have 3/4 of the buffer len
cmp [bx+B_CNT],dx ;is buffer 3/4 full?
jle store ;no, go on to store
cmp word [bx+X_SENT],TRUE ;have we already sent XOFF
je store ;yes, save char
mov word [bx+X_SENT],TRUE ;no, set XOFF sent flag and send
push ax ;save the char and EOI
push bx ;save parm block offset
mov dx,XOFF ;send XOFF
push dx ;save the XOFF as argrument to routine
mov dx,1 ;setup for port 1
cmp bx,offset _com_parms_ ;is this really com1: ?
je portarg ;yup, save it
mov dx,2 ;no, it's really com2:
push dx ;save port as argument
call outp_char_ ;call C routine to send it
add sp,4 ;get rid of arguments
pop bx ;restore parm block
pop ax ;restore char and EOI
; store the char in buffer, if we wrap around, drop the incoming char
mov dx,[bx+B_CNT] ;check to see if buffer is full
cmp dx,[bx+B_LEN] ;are we full? CNT = LEN
je leave ;yup, sorry Charlie
mov si,[bx+B_HEAD] ;get offset to store char
mov byte [si],al ;store the char in the buffer..
inc word [bx+B_CNT] ;..and increment the count of chars in buffer
inc word [bx+B_HEAD] ;increment buffer head for next char
mov dx,[bx+B_ADDR] ;now get buffer start..
add dx,[bx+B_LEN] ;..and see if we are at the end of the buffer
cmp [bx+B_HEAD],dx ;head > end of buffer?
jl leave ;no, continue
mov dx,[bx+B_ADDR] ;yes, circle buffer to beginning
mov [bx+B_HEAD],dx ;start buffer head at beginning of buffer
; signal end-of-interrupt, and return
mov al,ah ;setup for specific EOI(determined in prologue)
out C8259_1,al ;send the EOI command to the 8259 int ctlr.
sti ;enable interrupts again
; if on_com routine valid and not active, then call routine
cmp word [bx+ON_COM],FALSE ;routine there?
je done ;no, finished
cmp bx,offset _com_parms_ ;is this com1?
je com1flag ;yes, go on to com1 logic
cmp byte cs:com2on,TRUE ;is com2 routine active?
je done ;yes, finished
mov byte cs:com2on,TRUE ;set the flag on and...
call word [bx+ON_COM] ;call the routine
mov byte cs:com2on,FALSE ;now reset it
jmp done ;com2 routine done
cmp byte cs:com1on,TRUE ;no, is com1 routine active?
je done ;yes, finished
mov byte cs:com1on,TRUE ;no, set the flag on and...
call word [bx+ON_COM] ;call the routine
mov byte cs:com1on,FALSE ;now reset it
pop bp ;restore everything
pop es
pop ds
pop di
pop si
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
iret ;back to where we came
; end of int_a_handlr and int_b_handlr
; ***************************************************************************
; sysint.a -- system interupt call
; returns: flags
; usage: struct regval {int ax, bx, cx, dx, si, di, ds, es;};
; struct regval input_regs, output_regs;
; int int_vec;
; ....
; sysint(int_vec, &input_regs, &output_regs);
; cseg ;remove comment if you want to use
; public sysint_ ;sysint alone
; prologue
push bp ;save calling bp
mov bp,sp ;addr args thru bp
;save all regs except ax and dx for parm return
push bx
push cx
push si
push di
push ds
push es
;get interrupt number
mov ax,[bp+4] ;get interrupt number
mov ah,0 ;zero high byte
mov cs:intcal+1,al ;insert interrupt in code
;get input regs
push bp ;save for after int call
mov bp,[bp+6] ;set-up bp for input reg values
mov ax,[bp+00] ;ax
mov bx,[bp+02] ;bx
mov cx,[bp+04] ;cx
mov dx,[bp+06] ;dx
mov si,[bp+08] ;si
mov di,[bp+10] ;di
mov ds,[bp+12] ;ds
mov es,[bp+14] ;es
;call the interupt
int 255 ;call the interupt
; ;255 is just a placeholder for the byte
; ;inserted from above
;put output regs
pop bp ;get bp from our save
pushf ;save flags for return
push ax ;save ax for outregs
mov bp,[bp+8] ;point to output regs struct
mov [bp+14],es ;es
mov [bp+12],ds ;ds
mov [bp+10],di ;di
mov [bp+08],si ;si
mov [bp+06],dx ;dx
mov [bp+04],cx ;cx
mov [bp+02],bx ;bx
pop ax ;get ax again
mov [bp+00],ax ;ax
; restore all except ax which will contain flags
pop ax ;flags into ax
mov dx,0 ;dx:ax return value
pop es
pop ds
pop di
pop si
pop cx
pop bx
pop bp ;restore calling bp
ret ;so-long
; end of sysint
; ***************************************************************************
; portio.a -- I/O for hardware ports
; inb - input one byte
; inw - input one word
; outb - output one byte
; outw - output one word
; usage: int addr, val;
; addr = 0x0379;
; val = inb(addr);
; outb(addr,val);
; cseg ;remove comments if you want to use
; public inb_,inw_,outb_,outw_ ;portio alone
; inb
; prologue
push bp ;save calling bp
mov bp,sp ;addr args thru bp
;get port address
mov dx,[bp+4] ;port address
;get port value
mov ax,0 ;clear reg
in al,dx ;get it
pop bp ;restore calling bp
ret ;so-long
; inw
; prologue
push bp ;save calling bp
mov bp,sp ;addr args thru bp
;get port address
mov dx,[bp+4] ;port address
;get port value
mov ax,0 ;clear reg
in ax,dx ;get it
pop bp ;restore calling bp
ret ;so-long
; outb
; prologue
push bp ;save calling bp
mov bp,sp ;addr args thru bp
;get port address
mov dx,[bp+4] ;port address
;get value
mov ax,[bp+6]
;output it
out dx,al ;send it
pop bp ;restore calling bp
ret ;so-long
; outw
; prologue
push bp ;save calling bp
mov bp,sp ;addr args thru bp
;get port address
mov dx,[bp+4] ;port address
;get value
mov ax,[bp+6]
;output it
out dx,ax ;send it
pop bp ;restore calling bp
ret ;so-long
; end of portio
; ****************************************************************************
; clisti.a - disable/enable system interrupts
; cseg ;remove comments if you want to use
; public cli_,sti_ ;clisti alone
cli_: cli
sti_: sti
; end of clisti.a
; ***************************************************************************
; end of commasm.a